Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission

 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

My husband preached his last sermon on staff at our first church this morning. His text was Matthew 28:16-20, otherwise known as the Great Commission. It’s a passage we are all familiar with. In fact, his opening illustration focused on that point. He talked about how “familiarity can make us miss important things.” My husband used an illustration about his car and its missing side mirror. The mirror was missing as a result of being so familiar with the routine of backing out of the driveway, he didn’t pay attention when a new vehicle was introduced to the equation. An appropriate, descriptive illustration. Yet I could illustrate it today in a much more personal way. As I sat in the familiar pew in the church building that had become our church home, I realized how often in the last few years I had let my familiarity blind me to the depth of blessing this church has been. I knew I loved this place, these people; and I knew was loved, yet, as so often is true, it was the reality of my familiar being shaken that I was reminded of just how important this church was in my life.  And as many times I have heard this passage, it was today, as I sang once more with my church family, as I was prayed over by elders, as I sweated with friends at the pavilion where we’ve enjoyed so many fellowships, as I sat and was humbled by the many cards of love and encouragement; it was as I prepared to bid the familiar farewell, the truths and importance of this familiar passage came to light. Here is how my heart processed this oh so familiar passage today:

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. This is why we are where we are. We are a part of this amazing church family because this is where God led us. We are ministering here because despite all of our plans, he led us here. He has placed Grace on our hearts, and our hearts will never be the same. Yet it is this same authority who is now calling us to a new ministry. A new work. We have been there, we have sensed the Lord’s presence there. We have heard his call. And it is only because He is Lord and He is working that we are preparing to say goodbye.

Go… but I want to stay.

Go… but I don’t want to become an outsider to this amazing group of people

Go… but my friends are here.

Go… but this is my home,

Go…but I’m comfortable.

Go…  but who will love, befriend, teach and babysit my kids?

Go… but we are loved here.

Go….but it will be so hard.

Go… but I’m afraid of change.

Go… but…

To sum it up: My heart wants to follow where God leads. My flesh is fearful of leaving my home and my church family.

And make disciples of all nations…. Georgia or North Carolina or Timbuktu. The nations are represented all around us wherever we are. At this time He is calling our family to the ministry of the local church. And through that, who knows how He will work. In our 8 years of ministry here we ministered to and with students who have in turn touched people in Chile, China, Africa, and beyond. We may not have personally gone to the nations, but we have gone and are going through our obedience-by His grace. What God is doing is bigger than us, bigger than my comfort zone, bigger than I can understand.

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” You see If I am going because the one who holds all authority in heaven and earth has told me to, I CAN go because He is already there. There is no joy or heartache that He will not walk us through. My tears that fell today and will fall over the months to come were and will be neither a surprise nor an annoyance to Jesus. Yes, I am sad and scared of all the changes looming in front of me, but I can walk forward in confidence because Jesus is with me always.

He confronts my doubts.

He compels my obedience.

He confirms my victory.

How is the Great Commission being played out in your life? Has the familiar kept you from seeing the important?

How are you being called to “Go”? Sometimes it’s easy and exciting. Sometimes, like today, the tears fall freely and hearts ache.

How are you making disciples of all nations? It may mean going around the world, across the country, or just down the hall to teach a Sunday School class. Each can be hard in its own way, but also eternally significant. And it’s the calling for each and every one of us.

No matter how you answer these questions, or if you even know how to answer them – he is with you, always, to the end of the age.

His Authority and Lordship gives us understanding of this Great Commission.

It confronts our doubts.

It compels our obedience

It confirms our victory.



(This sermon isn’t on the site, but feel free to check out any of my husbands other sermons.  I’m blessed to be his wife. You can check them out here)