Who Am I?

Last night I sat down and did something I have never done much of before. I sat down and answered the question, “who am I?”. My entire life I have struggled to define who I am. I have never been bold or sure enough to stand up and proclaim who I am. I have identified myself by what other people have said I was-the goody-two-shoes, the responsible one, the quiet one. I have identified myself in what I was not and all the “mores’ I wanted to be- more graceful, more talented, more popular, more eloquent, more together. I have looked at myself in comparisons wanting to be prettier, skinnier, shorter, funnier, smarter, kinder, and the list went on. On the days I have glimpsed who I am, my words have been a hesitant whisper never a proclamation. Yet God is gracious and patient with me, and through His working I am beginning to answer the question with confidence. This list is not to exalt who I am but to accept who I am. So let me introduce myself….

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am flawed yet a masterpiece.

I am a wife, a mommy, a friend, a daughter, a sister.

I am the answer to someone’s prayer.

I am in love with my husband.

I am a great planner and even plan to go with the flow.

I am not good at going with the flow when it doesn’t go according to plan.

I am a to-do list maker.

I am not great at follow through.

I am my 4 year old’s best buddy

I am what my 7 year old calls a “cool mom” –at least for today.

I am the fun spoiler to my 2 year old who thinks she is invincible.

I am the one who loves cooking.

I love a clean house.

I am the one who complains about the cooking and the cleaning.

I love to dance.

I am not a dancer.

I hate going against the flow and fear conflict, yet I find myself making choices that go against the flow and cause conflict.

I am not happy some days.

I am plagued with pessimism.

I am tempted with discontentment.

I am finding contentment.

I have unreasonable expectations for myself.

I want to be known, but I deeply fear being known.

I am a control freak who is reminded over and over that I am not in control.

I think puns are hilarious.

I am witty—my husband agrees though I choose to ignore the note of sarcasm in his voice.

I am scarred.

I am healed.

I am a homeschool mom who swore up and down she would never be a homeschool mom.

I am so loving be a homeschool mom.

I have laughed til it hurt.

I have cried til I couldn’t breathe.

I have walked and crawled through dark days.

I have rejoiced in this life.

I am a fan of ice cream, French fries, and bread.

I am not as healthy as I want to be.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I have been chosen by the King of Kings.

I was the center of someone’s universe today.

I am the one that tiny feet run to in the morning.

I am my daughter’s safe place.

I fed and clothed and nurtured life today.

I am to be pointing hearts to Jesus.

I am made in the image of God.

I am humbled.

I am scared.

I am learning.

I am created.

I am undeserving.

I am redeemed, bought with a price.

I am redeemed.

I was bought with a price.

I am only now really beginning to appreciate and accept who I am.

I am exactly where He has me.

I am loved.

I am cherished.

I am His.

Who are you?

How do you answer the question?    But who has He created you to be?  Not what do others say? Or what do you wish you were?  But who are you?  You are valued, you are loved, you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. You aren’t perfect but you are a masterpiece.  And who you are is exactly who you should be. Who you are is exactly how He wants to reveal Himself to you and those around you.